Why You Should Clean Your Home Ducting

Why You Should Clean Your Home Ducting

Have you ever wondered what’s inside your ductwork? It's not a pretty sight. After 30 or 40 years, your ducts are likely filled with hair, skin cells, dust mites, and other unpleasant things you don’t want in your air. Breathing this stuff isn't just gross—it can affect the air quality in your home. If you're anything like me, you'd want to keep that far away from your living space. That’s where we come in!

At Valley, we do more than just duct cleaning—we offer full system cleans. While many duct cleaners may simply vacuum your ducts, we go deeper. We understand that air circulates through your entire system, which means your blower, furnace, and AC coil also collect dirt and dust over time. Cleaning the ducts alone isn’t enough if the rest of your system is just as dirty.

Here’s How We Do It:

  1. Initial Inspection: We’ll start by coming to your home to inspect the ductwork. We'll count the number of registers and take a look inside to see just how dirty the ducts are. If a cleaning is necessary, we’ll show you photos so you can understand exactly what we’re dealing with.

  2. Cleaning Process: Once we’ve evaluated your system, we’ll bring out our high-powered vacuum. This vacuum is placed over the register while we use high-pressure air to dislodge all that built-up dirt, dust, and debris. This process is repeated for every single duct in your home—nothing gets left out!

  3. The Full System Clean: Where we really set ourselves apart is in our attention to the entire HVAC system, not just the ducts. Your blower, furnace, and AC coil can be just as dirty as your ductwork. Air moving through your ducts passes through all of these components, and if they aren’t cleaned, you’re really only tackling half the problem. That’s why we make sure to clean everything—the ducts, the furnace, the blower, and the AC coil.

  4. Final Walkthrough: After we’ve finished the job, we’ll walk you through your home and show you before-and-after pictures. You’ll see just how much cleaner your ducts are without all that buildup. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that your entire HVAC system is clean and running efficiently.

Why a Full System Clean Matters

Air quality in your home is vital for your family’s health. When your ducts, blower, furnace, and AC coil are filled with dust and debris, that’s what you’re breathing. A partial clean only solves part of the problem, but with our full system clean, you’re addressing the entire air circulation system.

Interested in improving the air quality in your home? Click the link below to contact us to learn more or get a free quote.