The Most Common Lie HVAC Contractors Tell You About Your Furnace

The Most Common Lie HVAC Contractors Tell You About Your Furnace

Hey everyone, Cody from Valley Heating here. Today, I want to shed light on what I believe is the most common lie in the HVAC industry. Let me share a recent experience that highlights the importance of being cautious when it comes to furnace diagnoses.

So, we had a customer in Saginaw, Michigan who reached out after another HVAC company red-tagged her furnace, claiming the heat exchanger was shot and that she needed a new unit. When I arrived and inspected her furnace, it was apparent that it was in rough shape – rust, wear, and tear were clearly visible.

However, instead of jumping to conclusions, I decided to conduct a thorough examination. We pulled the coil apart, inspected the primary and secondary heat exchangers, and performed a combustion analysis to check for any potential issues like carbon monoxide leaks.

To my surprise, the furnace passed every test. Despite its worn appearance, there were no cracks in the heat exchanger, and the combustion test was successful. Yes, there was a minor leak that we easily fixed, but overall, the furnace was operational.

I explained the situation to the homeowner, highlighting the wear and potential future issues. Despite the furnace still working, she opted to replace it with a newer model for peace of mind and warranty benefits.

The takeaway here is crucial – it's essential to know whether your furnace is genuinely at the end of its life or if a contractor might be pushing for a replacement. If you're facing a similar situation, always consider getting a second opinion. At Valley Heating, we offer free second opinions to ensure you make informed decisions about your HVAC system.

Don't let a rushed decision leave you without heat or force you into unnecessary expenses. Stay informed and make choices that align with the actual condition of your furnace.