4 Types of HVAC Contractors You Need to Look Out For

4 Types of HVAC Contractors You Need to Look Out For

Cody here with Valley Heating and Cooling - For years, I've been keeping a vigilant eye on the local HVAC scene in the Great Lakes Bay Region, immersing myself in the intricacies of the industry. I know the competition inside out, from the neighborhoods they frequent to the brands they favor. As a seasoned HVAC professional, it's not just about understanding the nuances of heating and cooling systems; it's also about staying attuned to the local economy.

The core mission of an HVAC technician or company is simple: to serve customers. Whether it's fixing, maintaining, or upgrading systems, the technician's expertise comes into play to diagnose issues and provide solutions. The ultimate guide for customers? The truth. My philosophy has always been to equip homeowners with information. People are logical and risk-averse; they want what's best for them, considering factors like budget, comfort, safety, and reliability. It's not about telling homeowners what's best; it's about providing all the pertinent information about their HVAC system, enabling informed decisions.

In an ideal world, interactions between companies and customers would revolve around transparency and trust. Unfortunately, our world isn't perfect. While competition should ideally weed out subpar contractors, the reality is different. 

Here are four common types of HVAC contractors you need to be aware of:

The Sellers

These companies believe in the mantra of sell, sell, sell. Flashy words, fancy products, and constant upselling are their trademarks. While there are benefits, such as correct practices and organized service, the downside is their relentless push to sell, sometimes at the expense of the customer's best interest.

The Cheapest

Operating on slim margins, these contractors aim to keep it small and keep it all. Volume is key to their survival, leading to rushed jobs and compromised quality. Communication issues and corner-cutting are prevalent, raising concerns about the safety and reliability of their work.

The Mom & Pop's

A diminishing breed, with some maintaining trust through diligent work and honest pricing. However, not all are equal, with some falling behind in adapting to industry changes or relying too much on goodwill. Changes in ownership can impact the founding principles.

The Gems

Rare and exceptional, these companies prioritize customer satisfaction without resorting to aggressive sales tactics. They offer organized operations, well-compensated employees, and a commitment to safety. Their premium services come with a price tag but guarantee quality and reliability.

So, how do you find the gems?

To all the homeowners/businesses reading:

As an HVAC contractor who’s been doing this for a long time, here is my 2 cents. I would stress doing your homework on the contractor that you plan on hiring to work on your HVAC system. There are good companies out there and they aren't impossible to find. If you are getting estimates, get multiple ones. Read reviews, and pay attention during the estimate. Which one seems too busy for you? Which one seems like they have rehearsed the script a million times? Most importantly, which one listens to you? Which one is teaching you.

To the HVAC Contractors/Companies out there reading this, which one are you? Which company do you want to be? Remember, a rising tide lifts all ships.

If you need a solution for your HVAC needs, we are more than happy to help. Feel free to reach out for a free second opinion.